
Download or visit and explore some of the innovative software and publications that have been created by ACT Lab researchers.

SNITCH - a Copy & Paste Plagiarism Detector
SNITCH is a Java application that you can download, install and run for free. It analyzes text, PDF, html and Word documents looking for instances of copy & paste plagiarism by identifying likely passages and using search engine APIs to look for matches. [project web site]
jFAST - the Java Finite Automata Simulation Tool
jFAST is a simple, easy-to-use tool for creating, editing, and simulating finite automata and state machines. It provides a simple and intuitive method of interacting with numerous types of supported finite state machines (FSM), and provides users with the ability to check their FSM on different inputs, and clear error messages.
[web site]
DiBS - the Dictionary Building Software
DiBS is a Java utility that is used to add domain-specific terminology to the Microsoft Speech Recognition dictionary automatically. DiBS uses input from a text file, for example a research paper from the speaker's area of interest, and culls terminology to be added to the recognition dictionary to dramatically improve recognition of domain-specific terminology. [download]
The Labyrinth Game Design & Experimentation Platform is an innovative application framework that makes it easy to design and experiment with fundamental computer game design concepts using the Java programming language. The platform implements a monster chase game scenario, reminiscent of Pac Man, and provides programmer interfaces to replace many of the game logic, animation, graphics and intelligence modules. [web site]
QuickStart Programming Languages
Step-by-step tutorials for learning to program in new languages.  Often, the best way to learn about something is to try your hand at it. This web site is anybody interested in learning about programming languages, both the theory and the practice, under the premise that if you get enough practice, the theory will follow. [web site]
Windows application that simulates a mechanical nanocomputer architecture.  Web site includes application, technical report, extensive background information on computable nanotechnology, and 2 downloadable versions of nanoscale atom collision simulation. [web site]
DHMO Organization
The infamous web site that nearly led a California city to ban dihydrogen monoxide, it continues to be used internationally as an educational tool for teaching critical thinking and information literacy in a fun and clever way. [web site]
  • Nanocomputing logic gate simulator & compiler
  • Intelligent Chatbot with a very unusual personality
  • Kitty World game website for cats

updated: 03/07/09