Papers and presentations will be peer-reviewed. The reviews will be based on a number of criteria that you should address in your paper/presentation:
  1. Problem: What is the problem you've been investigating?
  2. Motivation: Why is it important? Why should people care about it?
  3. Approaches: Describe proposed approaches/methodologies. Comment on their degree of novelty and creativity.
  4. Assumptions: What are the inherent assumptions underlying these approaches?
  5. Strengths: What are the major strengths of proposed approaches?
  6. Weaknesses: What are the major flaws of the proposed approaches? Flaws could be any simplifications of the models used.
  7. Future work: What are the venues for future work or follow-up studies?

Aim for a 3-4 page survey paper (single-spaced, including the bibliography), or for a 15 mins presentation. Papers are due on April 30. Presentation slides are due at least 24 hours prior to presentation. Both papers and presentation slides will be placed online for everyone.

Attendance of all students to all presentations in required. Everyone is expected to actively participate with comments and questions. Class participation will be factored in the grade for your research paper/presentation.