Assignment 3
A First Look at the Mountain View Community Hospital

The Mountain View Community Hospital wants to use ER modeling to understand how its data is managed in the organization. The business rules are defined in the Case Description at the end of chapter 2, page 110. Carefully read the Case Description, then type in your solutions to the following Case Exercises:

  1. Case Exercise #1, page 111.

  2. Case Exercise #2, page 111.

  3. Case Exercise #4, page 111.

  4. Case Exercise #5, page 111.

Please draw the ER diagrams neatly using a drawing program of your choice. You may use the online drawing program (simply scroll down to Entity Relation in the left side window and once you click on it you will see all the symbols needed to draw your ERD. Export your drawing in .png format, and insert it into your solution document. When saving/exporting, your document will be stored in your local Downloads folder).

Clearly indicate the different types of entities, attributes (identifiers, multivalued attributes, composite attributes, derived attributes) and relationships. Name each relationship and show its cardinalities.

Submit a printed copy of your solutions to your instructor on the due date for this assignment.