Blender Tutorial #3: Box Modeling a Cartoon Head

In the previous Blender tutorial you learned how to create a simple model in object mode, out of primitive shapes. This technique is pretty restrictive and cannot be used in creating detailed complex models. This tutorial introduces you to the edit mode, which allows you to achieve any level of detail by adding and transforming new vertices, edges and faces.

To Do:

  1. Watch and follow along Tutorial 5: Introduction to Edit Mode (19 mins)

    In this tutorial you will learn how to build simple objects such as a desk, a chair, and a simple house structure.

    Here is a summary of the keyboard shortcuts you will be using in this tutorial:

     Tab  switch between object mode and edit mode. Notice how the vertex, edge and face selection buttons are visible in edit mode (but not in object mode).
     e  extrude the selected vertex, edge or face
     e  extrude the selected vertex, edge or face
     e followed by number  extrude by the specified number of Blender units
     e followed by RMB
    (Right Mouse Button)
     extrude in place (double the vertices)
     Ctrl-r Hit Ctrl-r while holvering over the mesh to place a ring of edges around the mesh and subdivide the loop of faces it intersects. Click the LMB (Left Mouse Button) once you orient the cut, then LMB again to commit the cut. If the second click is done using the RMB instead, the cut is centered around the faces.
     Ctrl-r while scrolling up same as Ctrl-r, but it gives you more cut loops

  2. Watch and follow along Tutorial 6: Box Modelling a Cartoon Head (22 mins)

    In this tutorial you will learn how to round up a cube into a sphere, how to work in edit mode with vertices, edges and faces, how to extrude them, how to inset faces, subdivide faces, and how to select edge loops and edge rings.

    Here is a summary of new keyboard shortcuts you will be learning and using in this tutorial:

     Numpad 5  switch between orthographic and perspective projection
     t  bring up the toolbox menu (to use the subdivide option) in edit mode
     w  bring up a Specials menu (to use the subdivide option) in edit mode
     Alt-RMB on edge  select all edges in the loop containing the clicked edge
     Ctrl-Alt-RMB on edge  select all parallel edges in the ring containing the clicked edge
     i  inset faces; can also adjust depth and thickness
     z  switch between solid view and wireframe view

  3. Be ready to demo your cartoon head and alter it according to ad hoc guidelines given by the instructor.