Help Instructor Mirela Damian, Mendel 167A. Office hours are Tuesdays and Thursdays 2:30pm - 3:30pm.
CSC helpdesk and peer tutors are available to help you with programming and basic system issues.
Homework Link Posted Due Date
A #1: Introduction to Computer Systems (html) Aug. 24
L #1: Introduction to Unix (html) Aug. 26
A #2: Integer Representations (zyBook, sections 2.1 - 2.4, html) Aug. 26
L #2: Navigating the Unix file system (html) Aug. 26
A #3: Numeric Data Types (zyBook, sections 2.5 - 2.7, html) Aug. 26
A #4: IEEE Single-Precision Floating-Point Representation (html) Sep. 14
A #5: Review of Logical Operators (zyBook, sections 3.1 - 3.2, html) Sep. 14
L #3: Displaying Binary, Decimal and Hexadecimal (html) Sep. 14
A #6: Computer Systems Topics (pdf) Sep. 14
L #4: Digital Logic Circuits (html) Sep. 28
A #7: Characters and Preprocessor (html) Oct. 20
A #8: Decomment Preprocessor (html) Oct. 20
A #9: Arrays and Strings (html) Oct. 20
A #10: Pointers (html) Oct. 20
L #5: Finding Function Arguments on the Stack (html) Nov. 17