Help: Instructor Mirela Damian, Mendel 167A. Office hours are on T(2:30pm - 4:00pm) and W(3:30pm - 5:30pm).
Teaching Assistants are available to help you with programming and basic system issues. Check out their schedule.
Assignment Link Posted Due Date
A #1: Complete these Unix activities and turn in your answers to the following file system exercises. Aug. 26
A #2: Characters and Finite State Automata   (pdf or html). Sep. 2
A #3: Number Systems (html). Sep. 16
A #4: Bitwise Operators (pdf). Sep. 26
A #5: Arithmetic Logic Unit Implementation (html). Sep. 27
A #6: Pointers and Memory Allocation (pdf). Oct. 29
A #7: String Manipulation (html). Oct. 29
A #8: Translating X86 Code to C Code (pdf) Nov. 11