Strings in C

This is an individual assignment. You may help your peers debug their own code, or receive help with debugging your own code, but please do not share code.


In your csc2400 directory, create another directory called cstrings. In your directory cstrings, write code for the following programs:
  1. A program splitname.c that implements a solution to exercise 7, chapter 3, page 96 of your textbook.
  2. A program devowel.c that implements a solution to exercise 10, chapter 3, page 97 of your textbook.
  3. A program suffix.c that implements a solution to exercise 12, chapter 3, page 98 of your textbook.
Do not use any string library function (section 3.3 from your textbook) in your code. Remember that each string must end with the null character '\0' (otherwise, all you have is just an array of characters, not a string, and printf("%s", ...") will not work properly).

Please use fgets in place of the scanf function used in the textbook exercises. Just like gets, the library function scanf is unsafe because it allows the input to go past the string boundary, if longer than the number of memory bytes allocated for the string.

Your understanding of strings will be tested in class on the due date for this assignment.

Hand In Instructions

  1. Write a short readme text file that contains your identifying information (your name and your Unix login name), a list of people you received help from, the amount of time you spent on this assignment, plus any bugs in your code you are aware of.
  2. Hand in a printed copy of your readme file, printed copies of each of your three C source files, and a printed sample output for each of the three programs. Leave these four files in your Unix account. Do not make any changes to these files after the due date for this assignment.