malanga malanga

Regular size ... King size.

malanga info

This coconut lookalike root veggie with a white potatolike internal consistency is the key ingredient in Musadagh Malanga Soup. Beware of false malangas. Locally (Philly) you can find the real ones in the winter season at the 69th ST PathMark supermarket, but the false malangas are also available there.

malanga soup pot

Soup's on!

bowl of soup

Off center bowl of soup. Amateur photographer!

dr bob cooking school treatment

it was very difficult getting this recipe right, so we had several workshops trying to perfect the translation from the source.

getting  started

After purging the meat, return to the pressure cooker with the chickpeas and spices and just cover with water. These chick peas were really large, dried Italian, brought by donato from Italy. High quality. Note the old fashioned pressure cooker (Isgouhi's).

Notice the black flecks in this malanga---it's not the right variety, but it was good enough. You split off a piece at a time as you rotate it around in your hand.

Here the malanga pieces are soaking in water with some lemon juice.

Here the malanga has been cooked with its soup liquid flavoring ingredients. Note the shiney new looking pressure cooker (dr bob kitchenware). We actually used two pots to do this quicker since we were running way late for dinner that night. Next step is combining the meat-chick pea mixture with the malanga mixture and heating a bit.

And it's ready to eat at the table.

malanga.htm: 9-may-2003 [what, ME cook? © 1984 dr bob enterprises]